(This is the third of a 3-part series on buying a new car. Read Part I or Part II.)
I phoned the second dealer, the one that had made me a great quote via CarsDirect, from the parking lot of the dealer that told me the car I wanted didn’t exist in California. “Does this car exist or not?!” I asked him.
“Sure,” he said. “Here’s the VIN: …”
“So why can’t the sales manager here find that car?”
“I don’t know; maybe he doesn’t know how to use his computer. I actually found two of them. They’re identical. I can have either one here for you tomorrow. Which one do you want?”
In the end, I bought the car over the phone the following night. I was cooking dinner — wearing a headset, sauteeing vegetables, and financing a car loan. This is clearly the most time-efficient way to go. The only vegetables you’re going to find at the dealership are inside the offices whose doors read “Sales Manager.”
Here is the lesson I learned from my car-buying experience: skip the dealer visit entirely. Buy online instead. It worked incredibly well for me.
The question you’re asking now is, why the hell isn’t it green? This kills me. Tune in tomorrow, or whatever passes for tomorrow around debris.com.