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Sunday, April 17th, 2005

federal government violates federal energy policy act

I am simultaneously elated and sad:

The Bush administration is violating a law

The law in question is the Energy Policy Act, passed in 1992 following the Gulf War. Its goal is to replace 30% of all oil used for transportation in the U.S with alternative fuels by 2010.

It’s an ambitious goal, and the benefits would be huge:

The law focuses not on individual auto buyers, but on fleet operators, beginning with the biggest vehicle fleet operator in the country: the federal government.

The Energy Policy Act requires that at least 75% of the vehicles purchased by federal agencies use alternative fuels. Further, the Energy Policy Act gave the US Dept. of Energy the ability to mandate that state, municipal, and even private fleets (e.g. national package delivery companies) also purchase some percentage of alternative-fuel vehicles, if it determined that that would be necessary to meet the Act’s goal of a 30% reduction in oil used for transportation.

Unfortunately for everybody on the planet, the DOE punted this responsibility by announcing in January 2004 that it would not require private or local-government fleets to purchase AFVs, because, as far as I can tell, it wouldn’t do enough good. Add that to the list of the dumbest things I’ve heard this year: it will help, but not enough, so don’t bother. Curiously, the DOE requests voluntary compliance, which makes even less sense to me than not enforcing minimums: We don’t think alternative-fuel vehicles will help reduce petroleum consumption, so we won’t require you to buy AFVs… but we’d like you to buy AFVs anyway because they will help reduce petrol— er, umm… Bah.

Fortunately, the federal mandates of the Energy Policy Act still apply. The Center fo Biological Diversity and Bluewater Network have filed a lawsuit demanding compliance.

My favorite quote from the Chronicle article notes the stupidity of the Bush Administration’s energy policy:

Full compliance with the law would save 1.4 billion barrels of oil a year, or four times as much oil as drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as the administration proposes, said Peter Galvin of the Center for Biological Diversity.

For additional info, see the following:

posted to channel: Conservation
updated: 2005-04-18 22:56:54

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