I know people whose acquisitions are filtered through the “zero sum” rule: for every new item they purchase, they donate or recycle or dispose of an equivalent old one. Sometimes this is due to space limitations, or attention limitations, or a sincere refusal to have their lives overrun by stuff.
I’m not one of those people.
But occasionally I delete some of the detritus. Pictured is the boneyard, the land of forgotten and obsolete hardware, saved from years past for a future date when a 1 GB external SCSI drive with a 50-pin Centronics connector might come in really handy! Gad.
The complete inventory:
- 350 MHz G4 tower, the slowest G4 Apple ever made (it’s actually a G3 board retrofitted with a first-gen G4 CPU)
- an old AGP video card from ATI
- a PCI video card from ATI that was nice in its day (unfortunately, that day was in 1997)
- a complete LVD SCSI RAID subsystem, functionally flawless but too complex for my G5-fueled austerity
- another pair of old LVD SCSI drives, source unknown, saved (if I recall correctly) for the home MP3 server I’ve been thinking about building for five years
- a “930U” PCI SCSI card from Orange Micro, a veteran Apple hardware company that recently went out of business
- yet another SCSI drive, this one a 2.1GB unit, with internal cable
- a serial-to-USB hub, new in box, used exactly once to configure an ISDN router in 2002
- still another SCSI drive, the aforementioned 1GB external
- and yes, a :CueCat, still in its box from Wired
Most of this stuff is going to the recycler, but if you’re building a home MP3 server, let me know…
posted to channel: Personal
updated: 2005-09-23 06:39:21