6:45 am depart home
7:05 am arrive highway
7:06 am traffic jam. crawl about 3 miles in 40 minutes.
7:45 am brief respite from traffic, as inexplicable as the jam itself. no sign of accident or lane closure. drive 75 mph for 5 minutes. celebrate, briefly.
7:50 am another traffic jam. crawl about 3 miles in 40 minutes.
8:15 am seethe
8:30 am Web 2.0 conference starts without me. But! traffic opens up (inexplicably).
8:42 am arrive GGB toll plaza in just under 2 hours, avg speed = 35 mph
8:43 am hit traffic 1 mile past the bridge. WTF?
9:00 am seethe
9:10 am arrive Argent hotel. Elapsed time = 2 hrs 25 minutes for a 65 mile drive.
I rushed upstairs to the first workshop. The doors were closed. The guard said even the standing room was taken.
Later I learned that at the first Web 2.0 conference, only half the registered attendees showed up for the morning workshops. The organizers planned for 50% turnout this year. But apparently just about everyone showed up. All the workshops are overflowing into the hallways. People sit hip-to-hip or stand three deep in the corners. Between conferences, corridors are completely gridlocked.
The organizers are coping as well as they can, but as the morning rolls on only more people arrive.