I finally saw the Hitchhiker’s Guide movie. I’m too late to spare anyone two hours of lament, but: ouch. This movie is lame. I not only didn’t like the movie… after watching it, I liked the book less.
This is not a gripe about being faithful to the story; there is no story to be faithful to. It’s been well-documented that the books differed from the original radio shows, and from the BBC’s TV scripts, and the Infocom game, and every other incarnation. For what it’s worth I think the movie’s plot held together better than the books or the old TV version. Adams was adept at recycling his own ideas, even dialogue, from one medium to another. And he was credited as the screenwriter here (despite his untimely passing in 2001) so I have to conclude he wouldn’t entirely be spinning in his grave to see the film that resulted.
There were some redeeming moments. I think some of the line readings in the movie worked better than in the BBC series. I think Zoey Deschanel was believable. Or at least cute. And I particularly appreciated Simon Jones’ cameo — he played Arthur Dent in the BBC series in 1981, and appeared briefly in the movie as the “Ghostly Image” above Magrathea.
Umm, I’m running out of redeeming moments.