Every bathroom is lockable, self contained and private. Our professional housekeeping staff restocks and cleans every bathroom around the clock, 24 hours a day. If you think the bathroom at your home is clean, wait until you enjoy one of ours!
Don’t believe the hype. At one point I hung a dirty towel in one bathroom as a test; it was still there the next morning. Convenient, in one sense, but sort of gross in another.
Some of the bathrooms are worse than others, not because they’re more soiled, but ironically because they’re more clean — due to the wall-mounted Ecolab dispenser that squirts disinfectant into the room… and its occupants.
Which brings us to:
On the other hand, they did promptly call the San Diego police when one of the guests threatened to break down the door of her neighbor.
So, you get what you pay for. At $50/night, the 500 West is one-sixth the cost of some of the other hotels in the area. It’s the most affordable, or even the only affordable hotel downtown. But ultimately the question of whether it’s worth it cannot be easily answered… at least not until my pathology report comes back.