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Monday, October 22nd, 2007

treenation - a worthy and impossible goal

What would you say to someone whose goal is to plant 8 million trees in an African desert?

Fortunately nobody asked me, and they’re proceeding with the project. It got a kick-start last week when the folks behind the Web2Summit conference — O’Reilly Media and CMP Media — purchased a tree for each of the conference’s 1200 participants. I love the idea; it’s the most thoughtful and most environmentally-conscious conference schwag I’ve ever received. Read more about it.

(I wonder if Dale Dougherty had something to do with this decision? His post from April about wasteful conference schwag may have been a tipping point. The Web2Summit did have a schwag bag, but it was much emptier than normal — significantly less paper waste — and the bag itself was meant to be reused.) (photo credit:

Anyway, kudos to O’Reilly and CMP and whoever sold this idea to the conference organizers.

I planted a second tree just now. Here’s my Tree-Nation profile.

Tags: web2summit, treenation, tree-nation, niger
posted to channel: Conservation
updated: 2008-02-01 13:53:18

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