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The half-time shuffle is one of my favorite grooves. I used to play the hell out of it — see the track Pandemonium Clockwise on the JAR page for a full-song example in MP3.

Ghost notes and shuffles go together like dietary fiber and colo-rectal satisfaction. And yet I never learned to bounce my stick to catch the ghost note after the backbeat, until recently, so that’s one of the things going on here.

The other somewhat tricky combination in this groove is the bass drum note sandwiched between the ride notes on the second beat, below the ghost note on the snare. It might take a few minutes of practice to perform this cleanly — feel those neurons sprouting?

    /3\/3\/3\/3\ (shuffle feel)
    1  2  3  4
RC  o oo oo oo o
SD   o  o Oo  o 
BD  o o oo     o
(The kick pattern in the MIDI sample sounds slightly out of time to me. It might be a QuickTime bug, or a Virtual Drummer export problem -- but the MP3 sample plays as written.)

Patronize these links, man:

posted to channel: Drumming
updated: 2004-03-25 23:53:41

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