Everybody wants to rent out my studio. Just about every realtor, every prospective buyer, looks at my awesome music and dance studio and thinks, I’ll bet I could get $500/month for that. I don’t understand it — we’ve built the perfect hobby room, insulated, isolated, and darn near soundproofed, and all anyone can think is that it will take the edge off their mortgage.
Have you no lives, people?!
Sure, for the cost of another car in the driveway, another person or two trudging around the property 24x7, you could arguably rent this out as a living space, if the tenant didn’t mind the complete lack of plumbing. See, there’s no water down there, and worse, the studio is downhill from the septic tank, making the installation of a toilet somewhat more expensive than it’s likely to be worth. On balance I’m pretty happy about this; in a small way, I’ve prevented the overdevelopment of my own neighborhood. And, I’ve encouraged whoever buys my house to explore his or her artistic side, by providing a huge room dedicated to the task.