The Straus Dairy has 270 cows, each of which produces about 120 lbs of manure every day. That’s 5900 tons of manure per year. To put it in perspective, a typical cow produces 6.5 gallons of milk per day — or roughly 52 lbs of milk, if we assume that milk (like water) weighs 8 lbs/gallon. The point is that dairy farms produce 2.3 times as much manure as milk. You could even say that milk is a byproduct of the process of manure creation.
What do they do with all that crap?
The Straus family found a great answer: the dairy installed a 75 kilowatt biogas generator, aka “methane digester.” The synergy is amazing:
But wait, there’s more — “The Straus project is the first of 14 methane projects to receive matching funds from the California Energy Commission.” This means there are 13 more similar energy systems under construction. That’s the best news I’ve read all week.